Thursday 25 October 2012

The film Industry Prezi

Evaluation of the Preliminary Task.

Our task was to 'Film and edit a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom he/she then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue'.

I am happy with the final result due as it came out as i we planned it too. To improve our sequence though we could have used a tripod ensuring the stillness of the shot stayed suffice. We could have also used more variety of shots then just the two we used, this would of probably made the sequence more interesting to watch. As a group i think we worked well as we all had our roles and stuck to them, the planning before had a very good impact as as we a both actors knew what we are doing and saying. 

this we decided on a head teacher student role with the head teacher being played my moi and the student played by 'Samuel Evans'. The discussion we had was to do with his poor grades and if they are not to go up by the end of the month there will be consequences. 
The shots we used was panning and over the shoulder shot. On the screen was seen either a shot of Sam's shoulder and the front of me behind my desk when i had dialogue and if it was sam speaking it would be my shoulder and sam's front sitting on a chair. 

Using the camera in imovie i was confident due to previous work being produced on this system. 

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Researching Genre.

A chosen film in my genre i am looking at is one of my favourite called 'Taken'.

- A quick synopsis of the plot; An ex-solidier (liam neeson) travelling through Europe (paris) embarks on a franticquest to resue her daughter (Maggie Grace) after the young girl is abducted by slave traders.
 1. The plot to this film when i first watched it was indeed what i expected, this was due to all the talk but also the front cover and trailer coverage of the film. Within the plot of the film it is obvious to say that i expected someone to be taken but i think that that whole daughter of an ex-soldier/spy is genius! There are no ther films i can think of that competes at the level as this film.

2. Character profile;
 - Liam neeson plays a man called 'Bryan Mills' who is an ex-soldier who uses his previous employment skills to find his daughter. His daughter is called 'Kim' who is played by 'Maggie Grace'.
- Lenore is Bryan ex-wife played by 'Famke Jensson' and is married by a man called Jean Claude played by 'Olivier Rabourdin'.
& finally the man is in on taking kim and is at the end of the phone is called Marko and is played by 'Arben Bajraktaraj'.
These characters are all the typical kind used in this genre of film as there are always to sides, a good cop and a bad cop. A victim and the victims family.

3. Only two of the characters played had worked in this genre before and that is Liam neeson here are just a few -  Taken 1/2, the Grey, unknown, Chloe, The A-Team, darkman, suspect, the dark knight rises and many more.
 And also Maggie Grace again these are just a few the end, cold case, expose, knight and day, lockout, the following and collision.
 - I think they have been chosen for the role as they are superb in that genre due to there ability of acting.

4. The themes and values you would expect in this film are torture, drug trafficing, despair, revenge, ex and political corruption.

5. The sort of locations i would expect would be a busy one such as in a city or town. The film was set in busy Hollywood and LA.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Chosen Genre of work.

In my group we have decided to go with the thriller genre. Here is some intresting information on the genre, Enjoy! (:

Thriller and suspense films - These are types of films known to promote intense excitement, suspense and high level of anticipation.

Thrillers are often hybrids 
- Action and adventure thrillers.
- Crime caper thrillers.
- Western thrillers.
- Film noir thrillers.

The target audience normally for this genre are people who enjoy mystery and working things out for themselves and also for people who like surprises. These types of films are most popular for people under the age of 25 and slightly more popular for females rather than males.

Codes and Conventions of a thriller film.
- Quick cuts.
- Camera angle changes.
- Music that gives tension.
- Lighting i.e. Shadows.
- Mirrors & stairs.


Group Members.

Hiyya people!
 This is just a post to introduce all of you to the people i am working with across this following year at AS.
 Firstly her name is Emily Howlett and she is as cute as a button!
Then we have Chioma Okorie and she is as tall as a giraffe.
And Finally Sam Evans and he has a laugh of a monkey.

Monday 22 October 2012


This is my video in which i made showing an interview on the very talented Christopher Nolan. There is an interviewer and Christopher. I used the questions in which you would expect in an interview but also one's that were easy to grasp. The interview is supposed to be recent and about his new blockbuster film the dark knight rises.

Psycho ScreenShots.

1. This is a close up shot of the lady’s mouth showing her emotion through the camera to the audience. The emotion that transpires is terrified and shocked. The reason for the close up is to show the audience the feelings

2. This is a mid shot showing not all of the lady’s body but just the top half. This shot shows great emotion and fear the lady is going through in the shower due to a man with a knife which we can gladly see in the left hand corner. (A shadow of a man’s arm in the air).
The emotion on the lady’s face is very clear and strong transferring it to the audience when watching.
3. This is once again another mid shot showing the audience mes- en-scene. The shot is a mid close up of the character showing what he is wearing and the expression on his face quite clearly. We can also see where the character is based giving of the sense of fear to the audience due to the big pictures and birds on that wall.