Thursday 25 October 2012

Evaluation of the Preliminary Task.

Our task was to 'Film and edit a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom he/she then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue'.

I am happy with the final result due as it came out as i we planned it too. To improve our sequence though we could have used a tripod ensuring the stillness of the shot stayed suffice. We could have also used more variety of shots then just the two we used, this would of probably made the sequence more interesting to watch. As a group i think we worked well as we all had our roles and stuck to them, the planning before had a very good impact as as we a both actors knew what we are doing and saying. 

this we decided on a head teacher student role with the head teacher being played my moi and the student played by 'Samuel Evans'. The discussion we had was to do with his poor grades and if they are not to go up by the end of the month there will be consequences. 
The shots we used was panning and over the shoulder shot. On the screen was seen either a shot of Sam's shoulder and the front of me behind my desk when i had dialogue and if it was sam speaking it would be my shoulder and sam's front sitting on a chair. 

Using the camera in imovie i was confident due to previous work being produced on this system. 

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