Monday 22 October 2012

Psycho ScreenShots.

1. This is a close up shot of the lady’s mouth showing her emotion through the camera to the audience. The emotion that transpires is terrified and shocked. The reason for the close up is to show the audience the feelings

2. This is a mid shot showing not all of the lady’s body but just the top half. This shot shows great emotion and fear the lady is going through in the shower due to a man with a knife which we can gladly see in the left hand corner. (A shadow of a man’s arm in the air).
The emotion on the lady’s face is very clear and strong transferring it to the audience when watching.
3. This is once again another mid shot showing the audience mes- en-scene. The shot is a mid close up of the character showing what he is wearing and the expression on his face quite clearly. We can also see where the character is based giving of the sense of fear to the audience due to the big pictures and birds on that wall. 

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