Sunday 16 December 2012

Evaluation Activity One.

This  first shot establishes the title of the film. The title of the film is 'hidden' and is placed over the top of the girl being hidden's eye. We as a group thought this was very striking and caught the audience's attention very well. The font of the title gives the immpretion of secrecy and the unknown which refelcts spot on to what the film is about. The eye placed behind it, shows a tear falling from her eye creating the immpretion to the audience of fear, desperation, sadness and lonelyness which once again reflects not only the story but the character aswell.
The title fades in from one end and out the other giving it very much a suttle entrance to the screen and not so much a rushed one. We chose as a group the colour as white for the title because it showed up better against the background and still gave your eyes looking at the screen room to see what else was going on in the screen.

This shot establishes all the costumes and props, forst off starting with sam sitting in the chair wearing Army gear. This is the costume we as a group chose to put sam in as he is supposed to reflect in the film as being an 'ex army sargent'. Because of this background to the  character this uniform gave that immpretion to the audience straight away. Now looking at the props we have the overall setting of a old fashioned styled house with the odd british flag and radio added in and the odd few beers giving the audience even more of the immpretion that sam 'the actor' still does rituals from the olden days when he was young i.e. like listening to the radio instead of watching TV.

This third shot shows camera and editing. In this shot the camera is being moved with the actor down the stairs, as though some one is watching him for themselfes, and it also shows match on action as when sam (the actor) turns the corner to go into the kitchen it is cut from the last few stairs. This takes out the audience viewing pointless footage and keeps them engaged with what is happening with the scene at this point. From the start when sam comes down the stairs we can not see the top of his head not giving him the full porportion body length until he comes further down the stairs. We as a audience thought this was good in giving the audience watching different ways of seeing sam in action.

This next shot shows the certain type of font and style we have used, we as a group wanted to give of the impression of secrecy and the 'unknown' and we believed with this font it gave off this impression. The font used isn't clear cut which is the reason for the colour 'white' but we thought that white worked well considering you can see it on all shots used in the film.
As the font is not clear cut it also gave of a thriller genre to the audience working well with the film itself.

This shot most defianly is the best for showing you as the audience about the story and how the opening sets it up. The story is about a girl and her father. The father suffers from shell shock and after already loosing his dear wife he does not want this feeling to happen again with his daughter doing the same thing. So to prefent this he keeps her in a cage at the end of his garden which now one knows about but him. This shot shows a view of someone looking out a cage and looking towards the light inside the house.
The gist of the shot was supposed to make the audience look from the characters persepective but not actually knowing from who's persepective they are looking through giving the sense of unkown and chilling sensation through them.
The shot is also in night vision making everything on screen not perfectly clear except the light coming from the house.

This shot in hand shows you very much what genre of the film it is. This is because of the un-nerving shot of a dark place outside, suggesting it is cold and the sight of seeing a young girl in a cage. No light hearted films have scenes like this creating this much suspense. The genre is thriller and therefore we need to show this within the forst few minutes of shooting. So with shot looking through night vision it creates that chill for the audience. Within the shot it pans through giving everything mise-en-scene.

In all films characters have to be introduced so for our film we wanted to introduce sam one of main characters in a light in which he performs everyday, that is putting on his army uniform. It is an over the shoulder showing him in a different perspective than just face on. The shot shows him putting the final touches on putting his hat on with the title 'evans evans'. This tells the audience who is is and what character is is playing.

This final shot shows the special effects. The reason for this is in doing press ups we as a group have put it in slow motion giving the time taken effect. This effect works very well due to the only action sam is doing being up and down.

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