Sunday 16 December 2012

Evaluation Activity two.

This is a key character to our opening, Played by Emily Howlett. Emily is playing a 10 year old little girl named Isobella. Isobella is kept in the cage at the end of her fathers garden where she is fed dog food and the only person who knows about this sickening, twisted scheme is her father, the one who is creating it.

A character who is abit like Isobella is called Kim who is played by Maggie Grace in the film Taken. The reasons for saying these two characters are like eachother is because of the predicament they have been put in. They both were made to do something against there own will and are truley frightened and damaged because of these actions. Isobella is being kept in a cage against her own accord and Kim had been taken and turned into a prostatute also against her own accord.
They both can't get out of there situations without the help of someone else not involved and if it carries on for both of them they will die of a young age.

The differences between them both is the age they play 10 and 16, and the locations they play in. Isobella stays mostly in the back garden in a cage until the end where as with Kim she moves around alot from America to France.

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