Monday 17 December 2012

Evaluation task seven.

Looking backat your preliminary task (the continuity editing task) what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking at all three of these shots i can safely say that we as a group have defiantly moved further one from our preliminary task to our final product.  Starting from when we first filmed the task the camera work was not clear and cut to the way it should be due to the tripod not being used to the standard it should have been used at.
Now to our final task the tripod was used almost all the time ensuring we had a stable shot.

With the camera in filming the preliminary task, we used the school camera meaning straight away what was shot was not to the best standard possible. But also because of the school camera everything which applied on it we as a group did not know about meaning things that were shot weren't to the standard they should be. For our final task we used my own camera giving the shot HD view and better quality. Also this meant everything on the camera we knew what they were and how to work them.

Finally when it came down to editing it was a whole new programme we had to use and get used to. This was because it was on a mac and no one in our group owned one meaning everything was new to us. So editing the preliminary task to a long time and we did not use it to the best we could have. When it came down to our final product everything was learnt that we had to learn when it came down to editing. The programme was used to the best standard it could have been giving our film many different structures and views. i.e slow motion.

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