Sunday 16 December 2012

Evaluation task four.

Who would be the audience for your media product?
The audience for our media product is very easy to answer as the film genre we have chosen rules out young children in the first place. That would be Thriller. Secondly with research citizens of the older generation either don't watch film all together or one's of the earlyier stages in life. So that leaves us with teens, young adults and adults. Now the film we have made is targeted at the audience of teens and this is due to the plot in which occurs older adults would not relate too.

Teens in which would watch our type of film would be one's who like to be scared and aren't easily fooled. This is because they like a thrill and the Exhilaration which it gives and not believe everything they see and hear. This type of film doesn't exactly narrow it down to a certain sort of teen but it can cover a range but one thing it does narrow it down to is the faint hearted. Any teen who does not like to be scared or has a phobia of scarry things this film is not for them.

The film certificate we would give for this film would be 15 as there is no dramatic scenes that will frighten you but the plot itself is twisted enough. 

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