Monday 17 December 2012

Evaluation task six.

What have you learnt about technologies?
Looking at this picture we have a wide range of technologies such as the camera, tripod and mac. We used all of these different range of technologies in the making of our film.

Starting of with the tripod, this came in very handy in assuring the filming was straight and steady when it was needed. It made sure that when we were filming it made creating the shots a lot longer with steady movement, and also made when zooming much more of an ease in assuring it was kept straight.

Now with the camera, this appliance was key to making our movie as it got all our hard work of acting on tape. We used our own camera instead of the schools camera meaning the view find was HD and the camera itself was much smaller making the filming a lot easier and much easier to move around.

And lastly looking at the mac. The mac was there once we had done all our filming to edit everything we had done and ensure that it was edited to the right standard needed. The mac contained a programme called imovie which we did all our editing on giving the movie we have.

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